Pedestrianization of the historical center of Ripoll

We propose to extend pedestrian’s zone to the most representatives squares of Ripoll (plaça st eudald, plaça Gran), to return its historical character to the center and to enable the comercial revitalization and the public use of spaces.

The ides is to emphasize the st. Eudald square as the main village SQUARE. This zone is cleared from urban furniture to enable a versatile use and we get back the disapeared church perimeter trought the paving.

The plaça Gran, due to its geometry, is conceived (in spite of it is called square) like an AVENUE, a comercial and stay zone. This space is organized trought a continuous element that incorpores the urban furniture, lighting and drainwater. This element reinforced the line concept. The project unifies the paving on vehicle’s lane to get visual continuity and to enable to reconvert the space on a pedestrin’s space in the future.

Some tree sorrounds with wite river stones and birches with diferent highs protect the stay and walk area from vehicles. The concave and convex shape of the diferent surrounds makes changing visual effects and let to perceive the seasons on light and vegetation.


Plaça St. Eudald, c/ Mossen Cinto Verdaguer, Plaça Gran. Ripoll

Project year



© Pere Tordera /Jordi Comas


  • 1er premi en la categoria “millor solució arquitectònica per a un entorn accessible” en els premis MADA competition 2013
  • Obra seleccionada a la 6a Biennal Europea del Paisatge Rosa Barba